Wednesday, 3 July 2019

TV advertisement evaluation


Our brief was to make a new Marmite advert aimed at people who often dislike Marmite, and we done this by aiming at a new target audience which Marmite hasn't aimed at before in one of their adverts. We decided to chose this product because we were fascinated by peoples love and or hate for the product. our current target audience is Marmite haters who are often main streamers, this appealed to us because we wanted to get the people who typically hate Marmite to buy the product.

We collected our feedback from SurveyMonkey, in which we sent many people our survey and they sent us their results. The main points asked if they enjoyed the advert and if it made them want to buy marmite.
Our advert was very appropriate to our audience as our responses have been all positive, as we managed to get our main message of "buy marmite" to our target audience very well through our clever marketing technique, I believe it had a very appropriate impact on them because of this.
Our advert didnt use much of Mise-en-scene and editing and sound, all we done was film people on a blank background, and then played some simple guitar music in the background, and the editing was just generic cutting. This was done to make the advert feel more grounded and real to life, so people focused more on what the person was saying. which also links to previous Marmite Adverts which use a documentary style format to make it seem realistic and down to earth.

Our content was very effective, as it sells our product to the specified audience, and most people who done our survey agreed that they would now buy marmite as a result of it, and this was all made possible via our storyline which gripped the viewer by making them wonder what all the people in our advert are saying they love or hate is, until they finally find out what it is which gives them a huge incentive to them buy Marmite.
Our persuasion technique was making people wonder what the people in our advert are talking about, and then realizing its marmite which would then make them reconsider whether or not they love or hate it, and this proved effective because a lot of people commented that while watching the advert they couldn't help but be very interested in what everyone in the advert was talking about, and when they found out it was Marmite they were intrigued to buy it.

The message we tried to send to the target audience was "if you haven't tried Marmite yet, you should!". The main techniques we used to send this message was by making the viewer wonder whether or not they are a marmite lover or hater, and see what side they'd join as a result of buying and trying it, this was done by getting people in the advert to say whether or not they love or hate marmite, so then people will wonder if they'll love or hate it when watching the advert.
Overall, I feel that my advert is fit for purpose, as it looks professional and complies with advertising regulations. And we have made sure it looks very professional, as well as following all advertising regulations, such as the BCAP code which disallows you to influence young people, which we didn't do.

The final advertisement is essentially the exact same as my original intentions, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get as many people in the advert as I originally hoped for. But besides that the advert followed everything exactly as I planned, things such as the storyboard and other pre-production work was executed exactly as they were written. And the audience/peer/tutor feedback was exactlt as I imaged it to be.
Overall, I am very satisfied with my final advert, everything I set out to do was executed exactly as I wanted. If I was to do the advert again I would likely make the backgrounds behind the people in our advert a bit more interesting than just a boring old white one, but besides that there isn't a single thing I'd change.
My involvement in the project was very important I believe, as I done a lot of the pre production work and also filmed, acted and voice recorded most things in our advert, while also editing a large portion of the advert. So overall, I tried my best to make the advert as good as it could be, and I believe my involvement in the project was a good one. And if i was to do anything again, it would just be to get the voice over at the end done by a good voice actor.

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